Vinsamlegast sendið þennan texta eða einhvern álíka, kurteislegan en ákveðinn:
Dear Minister
I am deeply concerned by the reports that hundreds of monks and other peaceful protesters, including well-known comedian Zargana and member of parliament Paik Ko have been detained.
I strongly urge the Myanmar authorities to release them immediately and unconditionally, unless they are to be charged with recognizably criminal offences. I call on the authorities to ensure that, while they remain in custody, all the detainees are held only in official places of detention, and are given immediate access to lawyers, their families and any medical treatment they may require. I also call on the authorities to ensure that the detainees are not subjected to torture or any other ill-treatment.
I call on the authorities to ensure that all people in Myanmar are able to peacefully exercise the rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly without fear of harassment, intimidation or arbitrary detention, in line with international human rights standards.
Yours Sincerely
Utanáskriftin er
Foreign Minister Nyan Win
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Union of Myanmar
Fax: +95 1 222 950 OR +95 1 221 719
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